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Welcome to the collection of original rule sets written by Ray Lucas over the years. Ray has written many articles for the popular wargaming magazines as well as having had many photographs published concerning his figure collections. He is also a very respected member of the CWC community.


You are free to download the rules for your own personal use and they must not be up loaded to digital media for reissue or sale.

Fusilier - A Wargames System for the Flintlock Era

Fusilier - Seven Years War Fusilier Factors

Corporal John - Rules for the Wars of the Late 17th & Early 18th Centuries

Pas de Charge - A Wargames System for the Napoleonic Era

Pas de Charge - Fast Play Sheet

Panzerschlacht - Micro-armour rules for World War 2

Carrier Strike - Fast-play WWII Naval Rules For the Pacific Theatre.

Capitana - Wargames Rules for Galley Warfare in the Mediterranean

Capitana - Galley Sheets

A Torrent of Steel - Micro-armour rules for the Late 20th Century

A Torrent of Steel - Factor Sheet

A Torrent of Steel - Air Missions 1986

Voice of the Guns - European Land Warfare 1850 - 1916

Goff's Oak

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